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What are regional representatives?

Here at Pop Sports Memorabilia, we function through regional representatives through North America. These reps are people hired to carry out each signing in their region. You ship to them, and they get your cards signed and returned. 


Our reps are carefully filtered through, so that only the most dependable, responsible, and trustworthy people handle your items. These reps are then trained how to conduct these signings, as well as how to handle your items, and how to properly work with the player to make sure everything is executed to perfection. 


These representatives are helping PSM move towards a significant end goal: Making all PSM signings in person! Through the mail signings are inconvienient, inefficient, and on occasion, risky if not packed well. By hiring regional reps through the continent, we hope to one day end mail in signings. Unfortunately, we aren't big enough to have achieved that goal yet, but we continue to grow each and every day. 


Current Representative Locations:

- Buffalo, New York State

- Detroit, Michigan

- Fort Myers, Florida

- Hartford, Connecticut

- Orange County, California

- Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

- Toronto, Ontario (Canada)

Become a Rep!


Fill out the form below to see if we need a rep in your area!

Thanks for contacting us! Expect to hear from us shortly regarding our need for a rep in your area(s). 

Pop Sports Memorabilia
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Pop Sports Cards 

est. 2018

Based in Hamilton, Ontario

Contact Email:

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